1. My Baby
I remember when he needed me for everything. Eating, drinking, pooping, loving. EVERYTHING. Forgive me when I over zealously protect him, or eye other small kindergarteners suspiciously, and loudly demand to you that he is clearly a genius. It's all a cover for the fact that, I'm a little sketched out about the truth that I know in my heart as a teacher - he's ready to learn to do things on his own. He's ready to learn to read novels and write literature and to solve complex equations, and change the world. But I know something as a Mama, I never knew as a teacher before - he'll always be my baby.
2. Look at that Face
When he was about ONE, I seemed to think that things like Kindergarten and friends, and school aged childhood was a millennium away. Please understand that this has all cropped up on me kind of quickly. As a teacher, I never really thought about that before - but it's a big change for families who, up to this Sunny September morning, have always just been at home, safe and always protected. Be patient with me, but when images of childhood rejection, frustration and hurt fill my imagination, I wish that he could have stayed this size forever so that no one can ever hurt him. As a teacher, it is an important part of my job to teach students to treat each other with love, kindness and respect that they will take with them into adulthood. SO, I know you'll do that too - I know.3. Too Cool
I want to tell you how neat he is. How he says the funniest things, the sweetest things. I want to make sure you know that he is so creative, so interesting, and so intelligent. I want you to know that I crave each moment of the day that I get to spend with him, and I'm a little jealous of you. I'm jealous of the little moments that I'm going to miss, now that he's with you. The moments that might not be quite the same when he tells me about them later. But, as a teacher I know that you treasure things too. That they are the moments that build up a career, and give you the ability and strength to go back day after day, and bring light and learning to a new set of brand new learners every year. I'll know it, when he goes on and on about how wonderful you are - his Kindergarten teacher - and know that he is learning and growing and changing.
4. Precious/Precocious
Believe most things he says, and deeply question others. I promise that he does more than play wii all day long.
When he corrects you, or defends his pen grip, or reminds you about something that you forgot to do, or tells you I already know that...remember that I thank you in advance for your kind smile, and the eye roll you kept in your head.
If during carpet time he keeps getting up and leaving the circle to fight invisible villians behind the play house - he comes by it honestly, and is compelled by his imagination to take action.
5. Helping Hands, Willing Hearts
I promise that when he's had a difficult day I will listen and not be defensive. I defer myself to your expertise.I promise not to always blame the other kid.
I promise to listen with an open heart, to hear what you have to say, and pay attention to your recommendations.
6. First Kindergarten - then the WORLD.
Maybe it's just nerves because this first for me, and for him is the beginning of a LOT of firsts. It is unequivocal evidence that he is growing up. His future - his adventure is what he needs to chase now. It is just the start of me letting him go into the world, letting him experience new things and do things without me. To fulfill the purpose that God has for him. I'm glad that I have people like you to help me along. His little hands stole my heart...and his little feet ran away with it.