Tuesday, 1 November 2011

And it begins...the rest of your life.

Coming head to head with this diet, some might say that it beat me.  I stopped the diet seven days early as I reached a weight loss goal that I hardly thought was attainable two months ago.  Maybe I'm too eager to let it go - the restricted eating plan eventually got monotonous and cheating a bigger and bigger temptation. But what's important to me right now is the new beginning.  I'm not done with weight loss forever - wouldn't that be nice? But, I am on to a new phase. I want to eat healthily and slowly but surely continue to watch my weight decrease.  I am determined to keep it off, and so...on to healthy eating and a much healthier lifestyle. I know it won't be easy - the leftover Halloween candy is already calling to me from the table, but except for a small tootsie roll, i've been able to ignore it. It's not about being deprived, it's about eating a healthy diet, it's not about stuffing myself, but being satisfied.  I'm feeling shaky, not so brave, like I have a long way to go, but I look forward to the challenge.

I lost 30lbs and at last check 25 inches.

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