It's the quiet things. The things that I don't like to talk about, about myself. The fears that creep in when I let my guard down, or even when I keep it up, expecting...always expecting, being afraid that when things are going well, out of nowhere I'll have to face trauma, or chaos or disaster.
So, what is the answer? I can't control life - I can shut myself away where no one can find me, I can saturate myself with fear, and spread it all over every place I touch by building up defenses, and work to protect my family, my children. I can close myself off from others, and pretend that I don't feel what they feel by focusing on myself.
Or...I can meditate. "Meditate on the Word." What does that mean? It brings to mind sitting in front of the Bible with my eyes closed...but that seems counter productive. I can, however, chew on the small pieces, words of wisdom. "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power, and of love and of calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self control." 2 Timothy 1:7 AMP.
So, chew on those words God, power, love, calm, well-balanced mind, discipline, self control. I can't say that I could peg God down with words, but I know that God is love. I know love, love runs deep and still, like a river. Not the kind you wade through, but the kind that you rent a boat to ride, weaving and turning, and breaks on rocks, sweeps around boulders and rushes over edges with abandon, the roar of a cascading waterfall. I know what power is, it is the torrential river of a flash flood. It is the quiet strength, the steady dripping of small drops of water that eventually put cracks in the solid ground beneath our feet. It is the ability to recognize the difference, and use each when they are needed. What is calm? A well-balanced mind? Self control? I see calm as the close of a day, just when the sun sinks over the distant tree topped hills, when there is still light in the sky, a blue pale twilight, the sound of a campfire crackling in the air, and the smell of smoke in the cool of the day. Feeling the heat of the fire on your legs, and the brisk cold of the night on the tip of your nose. Discipline and self control are the contentment that comes with feeling safe, and warm and loved and surrounded by family. The way we all should be. A well balanced mind can weigh the good against the bad, and not be over-run. Like a lake after all the boats have gone to bed, and the whisper of wind in the air doesn't touch the water of the lake, so that it looks like glass, a perfect reflection of the beauty that surrounds it.
I want to see this scripture in's what my mind makes almost without me trying. This is the place where I need to be, that will change the way I think about myself, if I can get it down tucked deep into my heart.
When life looks you in the eye - and you feel like you'd be happy to take on the challenge.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Saturday, 9 February 2013
I don't really know how to write an Epilogue. I've never written one before. I certainly haven't read one in which the author's voice was so prevalent, but this is the way it is in my mind. I've spent so much time with the characters, getting to know them and telling their story, there's a sense that I would know everything about them, in some kind of contrived future. But, I don't really see it that way. What happens to them...merely happens. I can't change it, just as much as I can't reach back in time and alter the course of history.
I guess it's a good thing my subconscious likes happy endings.
Nicolai and Atlantis married not long after their reunion in the gardens of Malbrandor Palace. It was a beautiful wedding, attended by dignitaries from all over the galaxy. Much to the delight of both Atlantis' council and her people, she became pregnant within the year and had twin boys followed several years later by a baby girl, and in a surprise few expected a year or so later, another boy. As far as the ascension of their sons to the throne of Khal Manar, it was the younger of the twins who eventually took his Mother's place as Emperor - but that is another story. Atlantis and Nicolai lived out their lives happily together, most often at the palace, but every so often the royal couple would go missing for a few days and be lost together amongst the stars.
Marria stayed faithfully by Atlantis' side for many years. She and Drey had their own children, two daughters, one who would eventually belong to the Royal Family of Khal Manar, and the other who aspired to become a master at her Father's craft.
Dawniria never returned to full time work at the Palace. She advised Atlantis for many years, and was often seen in Khal Manar, or in audience with the Empress, but she made her home in the countryside. She brought Kale's baby, a daughter, healthy and strong into the world, and Dawniria was devoted to her. Every year, a very wealthy man visited the small country estate, and would spend his time doting on the little girl - who loved him. Several years later, Dawniria and Galen married.
I wish I knew more about Kale Farharad, but other than his secret visits, he wasn't much thought of in Khal Manar. I imagine that he married, he was intent on loving someone, after all. If I know him, deep down, he probably would have chosen a girl from his court. Not even necessarily one of high rank or standing, because deep down Kale Farharad wanted to live a quiet, happy life. It's a hope that change would stop him from drinking so much - then he really could be happy. I just don't know how long it would have taken him to realize it himself.
And that is all I know, of quiet lives and happy endings.
I guess it's a good thing my subconscious likes happy endings.
Nicolai and Atlantis married not long after their reunion in the gardens of Malbrandor Palace. It was a beautiful wedding, attended by dignitaries from all over the galaxy. Much to the delight of both Atlantis' council and her people, she became pregnant within the year and had twin boys followed several years later by a baby girl, and in a surprise few expected a year or so later, another boy. As far as the ascension of their sons to the throne of Khal Manar, it was the younger of the twins who eventually took his Mother's place as Emperor - but that is another story. Atlantis and Nicolai lived out their lives happily together, most often at the palace, but every so often the royal couple would go missing for a few days and be lost together amongst the stars.
Marria stayed faithfully by Atlantis' side for many years. She and Drey had their own children, two daughters, one who would eventually belong to the Royal Family of Khal Manar, and the other who aspired to become a master at her Father's craft.
Dawniria never returned to full time work at the Palace. She advised Atlantis for many years, and was often seen in Khal Manar, or in audience with the Empress, but she made her home in the countryside. She brought Kale's baby, a daughter, healthy and strong into the world, and Dawniria was devoted to her. Every year, a very wealthy man visited the small country estate, and would spend his time doting on the little girl - who loved him. Several years later, Dawniria and Galen married.
I wish I knew more about Kale Farharad, but other than his secret visits, he wasn't much thought of in Khal Manar. I imagine that he married, he was intent on loving someone, after all. If I know him, deep down, he probably would have chosen a girl from his court. Not even necessarily one of high rank or standing, because deep down Kale Farharad wanted to live a quiet, happy life. It's a hope that change would stop him from drinking so much - then he really could be happy. I just don't know how long it would have taken him to realize it himself.
And that is all I know, of quiet lives and happy endings.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Chapter 8 - Part B: The End
sun was shining across Atlantis' face. It made her feel warm and
comfortable, relaxed. She actually couldn't remember the last time she
felt so relaxed. Come to think of it she couldn't remember what had
happened for the last several hours. She could remember putting on her
wedding dress, and walking with Andoran to the great hall, she could
remember the guests, and then it got fuzzy. Really really fuzzy, in
fact, she could remember taking a ceremonial drink from the priest, and
that was when things got fuzzy. She opened her eyes languidly, and
looked around. She was in her own chambers, and a fresh breeze was
coming in through the open window, it was cool, like it had been
raining. Strange sounds were floating through the window, there was of
course the regular commotion she could hear of traffic in the city, and
the sound of the waves on the shore, but they were interrupted by the
crash of a hammer, and the scream of an electric saw. Atlantis pulled
herself up into a sitting position. The door nearest to her bed opened
quietly, by the hand of someone who seemed to know every creak, every
groan, avoiding them in order to allow the Empress a few more moments of
peace. Am I still the Empress? Marria closed the door quietly behind her, and Atlantis' heart leaped in her throat.
"Marria." Her voice cracked, her throat dry. She smiled."Good you're awake. The doctors will be able to stop pacing outside your door." Marria said, her tone light and matter-of-fact.
"You're alive." Atlantis was filled with relief and pleasure all in the same moment, as if she had just awakened from a bad dream. Marria sat on the edge of her bed, and reached for her hand.
"I am." She said, "How are you feeling?"
"A bit dizzy, forgetful..."Atlantis mused tiredly.
"I would expect that. The doctors weren't exactly sure if he'd given you a sedative, or a poison. They'll be happy to hear if it was poison, it didn’t work."
"The priest?" Atlantis questioned.
"Yes, he's been arrested. He still claims that Andoran is the true Emperor, and you are an imposter."
"I see." Atlantis paused, considering her words. "And what does Andoran say?" She asked. Marria paused, narrowed her eyes for a moment, and looked down. She bit her lip, falling into a moment of ponderous silence.
"He's dead, Atlantis." Silence echoed around the room.
"When Andoran attacked the Ryderron Prince, he had no choice but to defend himself." Marria assured her.
"He was behind it all, Marria." Atlantis agreed. "He planned the whole thing." Her face betrayed what she was thinking. It hurt her, that a man she had loved and trusted could turn against her so completely.
“There are several documents confirming that, and once we arrested Lord Tryst, he corroborated the plan.” Marria said, shaking her head.
“I hear I’m betrothed.”
“You are.” Marria said softly, her gaze shifting out the window.
“Have you met him?” Atlantis asked, trying to be conversational instead of nervous. She wanted to ask a million questions, but a fresh ache of her shattered feelings for Nicolai held her back.
“I have.”
“What is he like?”
“I think you need to meet him.”
"I'm just trying to find out a little bit about him." Atlantis studied her hands. They seemed cold, dry for the warm weather, she could feel her stomach turning over.
"He's a good man, Atlantis. He’s already asked me to let him introduce himself to you. I can't refuse him that. Besides you need to hear about him without my biased opinion." Marria smiled.
"Have you seen Nicolai? I mean, Captain Ryder?" The question was practically burning at the edge of her lips. She assumed he'd been a part of her rescue, but she hadn't seen him. Part of her was afraid of what he would say to her, but part of her wanted to see him again, badly. Maybe it was just to remember that what they had wasn't a figment of her imagination. A happening so long ago, it almost amounted to ancient history. The pause on Marria's face dropped Atlantis' stomach to her toes.
"He's gone, Atlantis."
"I...know, I mean... I understand."
"When you're feeling ready get up, get moving again. Being stuck in that bed can't be good for anyone." Marria encouraged with a smile pulling at her lips. Atlantis nodded slowly, unsure if she would ever want to get out of bed. The world she was facing was now, was so different.
Eventually getting out of bed became a necessity. She hated it when doctors fussed over her, and with the amount of their fussing, it was the only thing that she could do to prove to them that she was more than healthy enough to take care of herself. When they finally believed her, they left her alone and she relished it, even if it was only momentary. Marria bustled in.
Horatio is wondering if you’re feeling up to sharing dinner with him.”
Marria requested. Atlantis’ face fell. She sighed.
“Perhaps not today, Marria....I...” She started, but was stopped by the look on Marria’s face. ”What?”
“It’s not going to be easier tomorrow, Atlantis.” Marria advised, going into Atlantis’ closet.
“I’m not ready for this, Marria. I’ve never been ready for this.” She buried her face in her hands, and rubbed her tired eyes.
“You’re the Empress, Atlantis. You were born ready.” Marria emerged with a simple gown.
feel like I’ve been gutted, Marria, and now I’m supposed to jump right
into marriage again? It’’s not fair.” She protested.
“I know you feel that way, Atlantis. I know that. But just because the past has been bad, doesn’t mean the future will be.”
wasn't sure if she could eat, but as she chose a simple gown, and had
Anya brush her hair she forced herself to relax, to try her very best to
be calm and collected. It wasn't easy. This was the man she was
expected to marry, had been expected to marry since the time she was an
infant. It was a marriage arranged and approved by her father, and
grandfather, and she only hoped that she could live up to their
expectations. Marria came and got her precisely on time, and Atlantis
nearly cursed her punctuality. She tried stalling for a few minutes,
but it seemed a fruitless pursuit. Marria smiled at her, reassuringly.
"This isn't an execution." She reminded Atlantis gently."No, executions are easier." Atlantis muttered, but out of earshot of Marria. A lecture wasn't worth it. The sun was just sinking behind the distant hills, and it almost reminded Atlantis that this was her favourite time of day. More than anything else she wanted the chance to clear the air, to get everything off of her chest, if she was going to marry this man he was going to hear about everything - then he could decide whether or not she was marriage material. He wasn't there when she arrived, and she was drawn to the balcony, the sun was sinking low over the water, the oranges and reds of the fading sun stretched their long fingers down into the rippling water. She lost herself in it, for a minute, maybe longer. She was thinking about Nicolai. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to put Nicolai behind her, to start something with someone new. Starting again was overwhelming. It was all happening quickly, so quickly, she sucked in a deep breath.
“My lady.” Atlantis turned. A servant stood with a small white envelope on a silver tray. “For you, Lady, from Prince Horatio.”
“Thank you.” Atlantis reached for the note. The script was familiar.
Empress Talerian,
It’s strange, this relationship of ours. If it would have been as my Grandfather wished, then I would know you by now. We would have been friends as children, and perhaps as we grew we would have eventually fallen in love with one another. It would have been a respectful kind of love that comes with familiarity, and perhaps romance would be difficult between us, as our duty to each other and our families would have taken precedence. But, the truth of it is, that falling in love with you was as easy as breathing, because you are everything I ever wanted. I love you, Laina - Atlantis Talerian.
The note floated to the floor.
“Nicolai.” Atlantis whispered to herself, trying to understand. Her head jerked up, noticing a person, waiting just at the corner of her vision.
“Hi.” The drawl was familiar, gentle. Atlantis turned to look at him fully, her brows pulled together. Her eyes glanced over him, her heart pounded as she drank him in.
“ look different.” She said, softly.
Nicolai gave a small, half-laugh, as he brushed his hands over the dark
navy of his new, perfectly tailored suit, adorned with Ryderron
insignia. “To me too.”
“It’s nice.” Atlantis smiled, encouragingly.
suppose I could get used to it, if it means you’ll have me.” He tucked
his hands in the pockets of his pants, and and smiled at her.
“Will you have me?”
“I’m a little intimidated.” Nicolai shrugged, he smiled again.
guess we’ll have to work on things, just like everyone else.” Atlantis
agreed, letting him take her hand. Her stomach did a happy little flip,
as he eased his arm around her waist, and drew her close.
ok with that. I love you.” His free hand traced her jaw, tucking a
long tendril of hair behind her ear, twining his hand into her hair.
Butterflies tickled over her skin, as he bent to kiss her, long and
“I love you, Nicolai Ryderron.” Atlantis whispered, and floated away.
And so it goes,
The Princess and her Prince
Live Happily Ever After
With Laughter
They never expected.
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